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To sow a seed of many kinds at once into 2016


Above is basically all banking and business all with what’s wrong with the world today… In very quick way, although always do more research than take my word for it!!!! Think for yourself

Above was someone’s part on fb I noticed at random but noted..
Words and how they have become and why or when.. All begs questions….
Like words mean & law & in media!!!

Law for the land of the culture of the land, law of money being water money!!!

Very interesting video…

No words are by chance!!! It’s all by design..

So in saying this I will go on to say how, nothing has changed in my 2016 just another strong if broken promises and locked into contacts from either sky, BBC media, energy or DWP or government. Nothing sorted nothing even started at all!!!🙅

So was looking into maybe courses I could learn new things in and there is a few but it will all depend on what I choose or weather I even choose this route sometimes learning the harder way is better than any college course or university if you only end up in the debt to a system that’s not helping now never mind if I made this choice!!

Not keen on learning old ways for one I can’t sit long enough, have terrible headache within lectures etc when at school was terrible for falling asleep I like to learn things hands on so not sure about that either…

So when I have said all the above I still wonder what help is available for people once all this considered

My health is like a never ending cycle of pain, keeping your mind off the pain and on other things is extremely exhausting at times and that brings me back on to the above links really

I see governments, hospitals, government 3 party company’s, bankers all the other things like mobility company for the money they take weekly from my disability but leaves nothing for other needs like food, social all things people need but also other company’s like gas and electric etc etc it’s all goes in direct flow to these company’s. Not to the average people that really need that money £146 a fortnight just doesn’t go anywhere once the main company’s have there money… Although in Scotland we are better off than many it’s still not right

And you can guess where I am going next!!!!!


I only receive this because the company that’s working with DWP has no Dr to assess me even after waiting 13 weeks assessment time. Do u not think all assessments should be at least started in that time!!! Well I went to one after the 13weeks and was told they were not able to because it had to be Dr due to my conditions. But couldn’t provide when I could come back so just in the line of getting passed about!!! But if you pass from a Dr who doesn’t even know you!!! It’s OK the money will be refunded to you!!! Omg that doesn’t help now with ongoing issues they have no idea!!!!

So anyways due to money it’s not been great for my personal medication not the ones I get throw at me left right and center the more green type the herbal type I bought vape at Xmas hoping this year i would address my concerns at coming off as much big pharma as I could but also to be able to get what helps me easier and a more controlled way!! IE getting it easier and having different products to get me through the different pains or to get appetite and thing alike….


I have blogged already about new group involved with atm that I am hoping to report is helping me loads with that. Like anything of this kind many would love it to fail but really hope in a months time I have good reports towards this and although I have only been involved since Jan16 I really going to do as much as I can with it to help other and myself in same position around the world. Is new to me and I know there’s been few bumps along the way but I hope to help where I can and help this happen

I also have a few meetings for next month so hopefully I will be a step closer in deciding my future on so many different reasons and things to consider come end of Feb u just going to have to watch this space…

For now peeps ❤ & ✌