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The Power of Money & Bull Shit!!!

So everything was appears to be smooth running now!!  I thought yesterday was going to pay bills yet was declined!!!

So checking account me thinking finally after 8 months something would be finally sorted but no 8 full months of living like shit because they can’t get there shit together

But no no so was awake with pain from 5am terrified would miss signing on time stayed up,  my friend that helps me made sure by coming up because he knows my memory etc doesn’t really work so not only my day I have to factor all that in!!


Get there and couldn’t sit down and not very happy after being told would just follow on then it doesn’t!! Asked if there was any ways of being later time like in afternoon when I am more physically able!!  But no they say afternoons are just for universal Credit how can this possible be!!

I don’t like being ill but am I don’t like being unemployed either & certainly don’t mind signing on if I have too!!! But they could at least help you get to these things!!! They say they are disability friendly yet look at it!!! And I know is not just me and don’t want it to be anyone else either after this year!!! Wouldn’t want on my worse enemy.

I have heard they do on purpose to make people miss then get sanctions set I don’t know if they make it hard or is just like that me feeling on it is in the pic below!!!


So in days of over sensorship and major problem with surveillance I find it very hard to accept that the government couldn’t have this sorted out within the 3 month Assessment time not 8 dam months!!! And the more I think about it the more mad I get!!!! Just thinking quickly…. while writing this brings up few not all

I have online footprint for sure which that it’s self can tell you I don’t sleep much up most nights then I use pain app that scores my pain. Also my phone not only counts my steps calls etc it also bluetooth hooks up to my disability car!!! Which then traces all routes and even I can look up a route from previous days etc. The Government can even look up plenty Dr’s appointments been one a week recently and that’s not including pain Dr’s or clinic and other health appointments which most have been out of town. There is so much evidence yet nearly 9 months on from coming up with illness this time and yet these dam fools can’t sort it out! !!

And over the last 9 months trying to live run car & try to get away from big pharma free medications are all not easy tasks on £70 week 30 week less for 9 months is

Especially while hearing of #Panamapapers #Torys wealth amongst others although they do seem to be the worst but I bet they don’t even get out of bed for £2000 yet when got changed over to JSA got my P45 from government and total from last year because I was on ESA Assessment time my whole year was just £2500 at the most just shocking when you see what these idiots are not even being out of bed for! !!!

And I know what some will say they can’t look into your life for privacy reasons but that’s another lot of BS!!! They seem to sensor things online from my accounts and I have prove of it so if this is happening why can’t they get this sorted!!!! It’s ridiculous

And it’s not finished because they took so much time with #ESA had to re assessed for #PIP which I can’t get answer from them about which is more worrying because if don’t get my car again then I lose my independence again but not only that I have put in for jobs yet don’t even know if could start job if didn’t have a car!!! And with no decision as yet it just means more uncertainty and worry stress on top of my health getting worse daily with already health issues plus the stress. I still have valid sick note from a dr which doesn’t matter at the moment.

I had hoped to have things sorted so could get on with new venture but even that can’t get sorted!!!

But won’t stop me !!!

One other thing that I think many will notice they days is that company’s are the real winners from Government Benefits weather you stuck in contracts or credit cards to keep yourself going then off course the companies get all the money same with are they get all mobility money for car another company, but still petrol etc it’s all just helping these dam company’s!!! Which they say helps with jobs but well more and more lay offs I not sure on that one people need to take power back or AWAY somehow from governments before any of this will get better for all!!!


Hopefully my next blog about my health will be better than this crap one but need to blog it these days to remember what’s going on and kind of glad I do these days! !!

I still hopefully going to get something done by tomorrow 12 may as 21 years since passed my driving test and was going to make that the date for doing new things but we will see just even a youtube video be ok and not expensive so watch this space …. better days around the corner and well u can…

For now peeps 💚 & ✌

No money No truth but don’t we need some in 2016?? No more methodical illusions!!!

OK this blog will eventually be the one that’s going to bring me into 2016 by time I am finished it!! Lol. Happy New Year Peeps 🎉🎉🎈✨🎉🎆


Since the Scottish independence vote 2014☺💚😂👌😩😒👎 I haven’t believed a thing the news, politics and what’s going on around me and what I see of others going though and how much or little people really know about there community and of course now globally!!! It’s something you can’t just bury to the back of your heads as if it’s not happening, or the other way they would like you to think everyone is bad and don’t speak to them always to divide so we can’t come together.:)👍💚✌


I have watched the rise of the SNP one of my areas being one of the early to adapt to the SNP, I have also see dirt tricks on both sides through the yes and no, and much of that was on social media and we saw it all!!!



And from where I am standing is still all about money and power I have had great jobs & want one again but having to rethink what I am able to do, what I can do and what my priorities lie even in daily life not just online.


Omg the things over the years I like many go though you learn a few things by your mistakes and well Coz I have no idea where this will take me or lead me into who knows. Many could bring up story’s about me good and bad as no Angel!!! I have loud voice and always been a person question about things. I was born in the week of independence and that’s very me!!!!


So being into alternative news has been good for me although I knew a lot you never stop learning & I have been trying to teach myself things I never thought I would be looking into but where ever my journey take me, that will just be… But along the way it won’t be easy as never is but we are here to learn!!!!


So since the BBC license takes money from me and have to pay I was ready to leave sky to get rid of BBC license fee but ran into a few problems like a contract that I could buy out of my broadband and line but couldn’t for the TV!!!! WTF!!! Been with them for 12 years and when I have cut it all down to the min. I still finding it hard to pay yet big company not helping one bit!



while I having this problem I am looking for better news resources I has have been a steady listener to TFR and especially KBS having Kev show was really where looking for Scottish indy stuff but also the tech I really love tech but not learned in college or code or anything like that about it but ahead of most when given new gadgets.:)

I have a members online for TFR because I can do as I please listen if something perks my interest. But as I saw in Scotland on Twitter on the run up to vote was crazy what was going on, I noticed that some sorts were reported different, that’s when it really made me think how free are we and how much freedom of speech do we have, well between that and my problems with BBC and sky!!!! And I feel you have to give your help to these people trying to get the word out one thing I have learned you can’t do everything yourself and it’s team work that happens for great team. Yes I could choose another outlet for new which I also do but you have to stand against what’s wrong and you need a movement of people that don’t all agree with each other but can see the bigger picture as to what’s happening and how people power can make a change to out would we live in now!!

So I not surprise about this story


Well i was surprised but not really as saw it in the vote but i saw at the same time I am thinking of all These kids that’s getting nothing but internet I remember life without it and how easy things were for some but not others… I love the internet its helped my life no end!!! So when you have had nothing else look at what’s done for the good!! But you can see the bad too!!!
below great new video from illusive Exposure

Showing what the likes of NSA etc are putting out there on purpose I studied part of this in college for my HNC and they been doing it for years never mind just on the internet.

I always want to learn but I don’t want into anything to do with upsetting others but we have to realize TV has already moved on to YouTube , twitter and other outlets!! Yes I use them but only to really make people think. Because it’s so hard these days everything is so divided up but when like me I live alone and I love it wouldn’t have it any other way that could change!! But can’t see it but I don’t want pity I just want to know why I can’t do things or why I can’t get to be my best I can be even tho health problems, but at the same time I am not blind to what’s happening, they putting so much dis info u wouldn’t know where to start if I was just starting now!!! And also knowing what I have over the years… like most people have a story it’s the info that counts and do your own research but don’t get involved in any one subject because then you get tunnel vision keep your eyes on everything… Trust enough but never completely especially over internet if it’s too good to be true it normally is….(but not just under online)

So 2016 for me I would love to keep on my journey to wherever I go who knows but the list for 2016 goes bit like this

Pain free as much as possible!! & keep my mind of the pain with something I can do!! Which I have found blogging take my mind off and if any knowledge I have can be passed on to others all the better👌💚☺✌

Get money situation sorted out with government after 4 months of being messed about for nothing!!!? After 13weeks before that!!!

Hopefully find a way back to work of some kind but have online profile but from sources I know people have researched and find what I am good at!!

Having free speech nothing I put online I wouldn’t say to someone’s face and never be nasty so if I was ever online taking to others there is no bad inside me but I will debate with others but I won’t take trolls it’s not going to change me life like that… my life not defined by online nor anything said to me online will bother me WHY?? I don’t know them so why bother

My pet she’s getting older and of course my gran I have said I will be there for her as much as possible they are my responsibilities atm

But I can’t stand the censor ship that’s happening in the social media atm and can’t see it going forward like it is I have to be true to myself and that’s speaking up like many others are!!!

But I would love to travel more next year really needing a holiday after to many years without one. Hopefully a whistle stop of few friends around Scotland in Jan or Feb time (hopefully Jan)

I also hope to continue to find like minded people like many I have met in the last year and a half and looking forward to finding out who else might cross my path…☺

I think I want to try podcast or media in some kind but it’s getting the equipment and the people you can’t really do yourself, this is when people should be coming together to help each other. How uncomfortable will your life have to be before you backed into a corner and trying to find something to dig yourself out your not living if u relying on money from the state there is no system that works!!!

I have no idea if this will be looked at or not but have had the blog and fb group over year now and feel I have to now go forward but know I need help along the way. From others I will always be pleased to meet and go forward in whatever comes my way & that’s to the much help & thoughts from people that helped and continue right up to time of writing you all know who you all are:)👍👌✌

Let’s hope 2016 going to be a good one no matter what I don’t know for sure but the path will be fun & full of laughter as life is to short not too but always watch what you choose to put out there because someone will always check you out and what you doing. It’s memory’s that matter peace and love to all in 2016 for now peeps tc #Lichtielass 💚&✌
