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No money No truth but don’t we need some in 2016?? No more methodical illusions!!!

OK this blog will eventually be the one that’s going to bring me into 2016 by time I am finished it!! Lol. Happy New Year Peeps 🎉🎉🎈✨🎉🎆


Since the Scottish independence vote 2014☺💚😂👌😩😒👎 I haven’t believed a thing the news, politics and what’s going on around me and what I see of others going though and how much or little people really know about there community and of course now globally!!! It’s something you can’t just bury to the back of your heads as if it’s not happening, or the other way they would like you to think everyone is bad and don’t speak to them always to divide so we can’t come together.:)👍💚✌


I have watched the rise of the SNP one of my areas being one of the early to adapt to the SNP, I have also see dirt tricks on both sides through the yes and no, and much of that was on social media and we saw it all!!!



And from where I am standing is still all about money and power I have had great jobs & want one again but having to rethink what I am able to do, what I can do and what my priorities lie even in daily life not just online.


Omg the things over the years I like many go though you learn a few things by your mistakes and well Coz I have no idea where this will take me or lead me into who knows. Many could bring up story’s about me good and bad as no Angel!!! I have loud voice and always been a person question about things. I was born in the week of independence and that’s very me!!!!


So being into alternative news has been good for me although I knew a lot you never stop learning & I have been trying to teach myself things I never thought I would be looking into but where ever my journey take me, that will just be… But along the way it won’t be easy as never is but we are here to learn!!!!


So since the BBC license takes money from me and have to pay I was ready to leave sky to get rid of BBC license fee but ran into a few problems like a contract that I could buy out of my broadband and line but couldn’t for the TV!!!! WTF!!! Been with them for 12 years and when I have cut it all down to the min. I still finding it hard to pay yet big company not helping one bit!



while I having this problem I am looking for better news resources I has have been a steady listener to TFR and especially KBS having Kev show was really where looking for Scottish indy stuff but also the tech I really love tech but not learned in college or code or anything like that about it but ahead of most when given new gadgets.:)

I have a members online for TFR because I can do as I please listen if something perks my interest. But as I saw in Scotland on Twitter on the run up to vote was crazy what was going on, I noticed that some sorts were reported different, that’s when it really made me think how free are we and how much freedom of speech do we have, well between that and my problems with BBC and sky!!!! And I feel you have to give your help to these people trying to get the word out one thing I have learned you can’t do everything yourself and it’s team work that happens for great team. Yes I could choose another outlet for new which I also do but you have to stand against what’s wrong and you need a movement of people that don’t all agree with each other but can see the bigger picture as to what’s happening and how people power can make a change to out would we live in now!!

So I not surprise about this story


Well i was surprised but not really as saw it in the vote but i saw at the same time I am thinking of all These kids that’s getting nothing but internet I remember life without it and how easy things were for some but not others… I love the internet its helped my life no end!!! So when you have had nothing else look at what’s done for the good!! But you can see the bad too!!!
below great new video from illusive Exposure

Showing what the likes of NSA etc are putting out there on purpose I studied part of this in college for my HNC and they been doing it for years never mind just on the internet.

I always want to learn but I don’t want into anything to do with upsetting others but we have to realize TV has already moved on to YouTube , twitter and other outlets!! Yes I use them but only to really make people think. Because it’s so hard these days everything is so divided up but when like me I live alone and I love it wouldn’t have it any other way that could change!! But can’t see it but I don’t want pity I just want to know why I can’t do things or why I can’t get to be my best I can be even tho health problems, but at the same time I am not blind to what’s happening, they putting so much dis info u wouldn’t know where to start if I was just starting now!!! And also knowing what I have over the years… like most people have a story it’s the info that counts and do your own research but don’t get involved in any one subject because then you get tunnel vision keep your eyes on everything… Trust enough but never completely especially over internet if it’s too good to be true it normally is….(but not just under online)

So 2016 for me I would love to keep on my journey to wherever I go who knows but the list for 2016 goes bit like this

Pain free as much as possible!! & keep my mind of the pain with something I can do!! Which I have found blogging take my mind off and if any knowledge I have can be passed on to others all the better👌💚☺✌

Get money situation sorted out with government after 4 months of being messed about for nothing!!!? After 13weeks before that!!!

Hopefully find a way back to work of some kind but have online profile but from sources I know people have researched and find what I am good at!!

Having free speech nothing I put online I wouldn’t say to someone’s face and never be nasty so if I was ever online taking to others there is no bad inside me but I will debate with others but I won’t take trolls it’s not going to change me life like that… my life not defined by online nor anything said to me online will bother me WHY?? I don’t know them so why bother

My pet she’s getting older and of course my gran I have said I will be there for her as much as possible they are my responsibilities atm

But I can’t stand the censor ship that’s happening in the social media atm and can’t see it going forward like it is I have to be true to myself and that’s speaking up like many others are!!!

But I would love to travel more next year really needing a holiday after to many years without one. Hopefully a whistle stop of few friends around Scotland in Jan or Feb time (hopefully Jan)

I also hope to continue to find like minded people like many I have met in the last year and a half and looking forward to finding out who else might cross my path…☺

I think I want to try podcast or media in some kind but it’s getting the equipment and the people you can’t really do yourself, this is when people should be coming together to help each other. How uncomfortable will your life have to be before you backed into a corner and trying to find something to dig yourself out your not living if u relying on money from the state there is no system that works!!!

I have no idea if this will be looked at or not but have had the blog and fb group over year now and feel I have to now go forward but know I need help along the way. From others I will always be pleased to meet and go forward in whatever comes my way & that’s to the much help & thoughts from people that helped and continue right up to time of writing you all know who you all are:)👍👌✌

Let’s hope 2016 going to be a good one no matter what I don’t know for sure but the path will be fun & full of laughter as life is to short not too but always watch what you choose to put out there because someone will always check you out and what you doing. It’s memory’s that matter peace and love to all in 2016 for now peeps tc #Lichtielass 💚&✌


Best day of 2015 Hands Down…


  my pics on link:)👍👌🎶💕💚 and loved being in the parade with flag barer 💚👍✌


Not had the best year but not the worst, but this is by far my best day and year for the #TheScriptFamily & hell the guys music has been with me since 2008 & it’s just great group and wouldn’t be right to let 2015 pass without a heads up and live to all that were involved with the #NSWSTour2015 and as I finsh with blog listening to the guys but also the people along the way both personally and over the internet its been a blast….

U read the books & watched the shows… What’s the best way no one knows…. Do anything to take it from your mind but it won’t go….. U do things out of desperation ….
6 ° separation….

U hit the drink u take a toke watch the past go up in smoke!!

Fake a smile , out lie and say u bet now and it’s not… .

Broken heart then the second part going to kill you!!! 3rd your world split down the middle……

4 Then you think you fixed yourself…..
5 Then…..
6 Then u admit u fucked up a little….

There’s no help every man for themselves…

Tell your friends and strangers too…

Tarot cards, Germs of stone believing all that shits going to heal your soul well it’s not….

There’s no help until u remember yourself it’s every man for themselves

Am I better off dead or better off a quitter!!!

Few drinks will forget…
Friends all think I am crazy but it all makes perfect sense…

But all I heard was nothing….I got nothing when u realize there is no one waiting..

I am still alive but bearly breathing… just pray to god I don’t believe in….

I have time and she has freedom…

They say bad things happen for a reason. But those wise words don’t stop the bleeding!!

Heartbeat doesn’t break even ☺✌💚



And trying to get from each album but running out of time lol:) but what I will say is without those songs people wouldn’t be who they are go be who you need to be in 2016


And remember There is No Good In Goodbye ;):?:)🎶💕✌💚


And if you have lost someone this year or past this is a great one for remembering them and yourself!!! :)👍👌🎶💕:);)



And again to all #TheScriptFamily and @TheScript 💚 you guys here’s to 2016 & all the memory’s remember to look up and see the Flair’s






💚&✌ #Lichtielass

2015 merry Xmas peeps & looming forward to 2016 (yes looming☺)

Well what a year it’s been, sometimes very annoying , hurtful, frustration with one thing with another!!!! Health not great no help really just passed about!!! DWP & Health & Government. And trying coming off big pharma to move herbal methods:)👌:)

But also surprised one way or another with friends and family who have shown themselves as different but not just that just knowing true difference of who people are? It’s how they are behaving did not think some would be like that, but others just think different ways from yourself.

Going to drop illusive n Tempest podcast 003 here they speaking hear and talking much of what I am trying to say in this post & hope this will bring me more knowledge going into 2016

The new people I never thought would become part of my daily life has continued to have great input even tho miles apart. It makes me smile for for humanity yet, meeting new people along the way…. Including temp and Marty and many more at like of TFR. And other areas with life.

I may not always agree but I have always found common ground with most gen persons out there and not so many problems that can’t be sorted, but you get the trolls as well but even the trolls are robots now they certainly trying to sensor the internet and even hearing this week that’s been band for no real reason and it’s someone different every day, so this is happening right now In front of our faces!!!!


But as I leave a old life behind on so many ways, I look forward to the unknown it’s when you get comfortable with life you stop learning or growing I don’t want that!!!

I have had a fb group just a little over a year but noticed the divide between the way people get news and info some were going to groups and talking about things yet in main stream media wasn’t touching!!! I smelt a rat, and people didn’t want to speak out unless in groups so was never public so just started page up to move anything that’s news worthy and for common interests and freedom of speech not hate speech but just a thought of your own these days is a crime!!! We should be able to search things and progress

The video below is here now in China just think about how this would work going forward we think there is divide between the Rich & powerful and the common person that will never get because of this system…



above seems to be the way media going

But wasn’t just one thing it was many things I would see sometimes 6 -8 months before other mainsteam news was touching it yet 3 times I watched myself say to someone then 6 months would come out right that’s when I tells there is not real news getting out there for whatever reason. I don’t claim to know the news, but also the wording of things in the mainstream & also there is much not that looks live but actually isn’t….

And it’s very clever the way they do it if u have basic TV u get free view its different programs from when people pay for TV like sky virgin or bt creating a divide, and even bigger in alternative media because the big companies already on fb twitter website they always there first!!! And now YouTube, as well as alternative news stations that many don’t believe these because you have been conditioned to react to it like that difference in age just brings divide because maybe someone is not on line etc


I have also recently seen many public files closed or fb accounts stopped for things that shouldn’t be cut off from learning…. It’s up to you to use your own ways or research. I never claim to be a writer I am trying to get better but I will stay as close to truth as I can verify and boy there is many great people doing many things, but always do your own research. As not everything you read on the internet is bad or wrong, it’s the way someone presents it to you has big impact, it’s just another way to divide people


I do however believe everyone should be treated the same until proven different not  anyone not willing to teach and pass on knowledge to better others… but many are being difficultly being stated because or the way the system have set them up, going forward I hope gen people continue to contact me see where it takes me and everyone that joins the journey see where it takes us I still believe we can be the change together

There is so much around power and money when is enough for u to need change. Equal to all not from others people or trial my media!!! I don’t believe in that which is happening more and more u get the headlines but never if they are not found guilty

As I go into the next year I have to say I was never thought until this past couple of weeks about these false flags with different governments it really make you think about things will do a blog on the subject but wasn’t yet as wanted to have all the info available but there is evidence these things are happening and it’s not just one, it’s many at a time. Will leave a check list below so u understand until I do blog nothing at all new in fact goes back hundred’s of years. But now they just using other methods like news and TV for example


Not all I can say has been great but do you know what half they ones I am taking about don’t even sound human it’s more like robots learning behavior or something…. U may think it’s far fetched but the tech is already here and not going anywhere and we know the police jobs are now on the internet. Using tips and tricks to basically trip us up so we can be on no fly lists etc etc already in place and for children to be on them I have strong feelings on that too!!!

But it appears more and more of it happens now than before and can’t think it’s because since the lack of opportunities lately or just noticing things more but media has a real battle on there hands in the coming years, and well I have started a journey that I can’t stop now Coz once you stated learning things it’s hard to stop if you loving it:)✌…
But not also that I feel there a whole new generation out there never known life without phones and internet and have watched it progress through my life. I have seen how much good it can do, but I also know it’s at a price and well never to fully trust anyone in life but also that you can never judge others by that standard and not speak to great people you find online just choose wisely I still am , you learn my mistakes and boy I have made a few in my life at probably not the last, you can never know everything. Doesn’t mean I am a fool I have seen most scams you get to know the once that are real. But you can’t dismiss everything everyone says because there is so much that clicks together about life that you find in the strangest of places just take note until another bit comes along. Build the bigger pic of what is actually going on around us


After the Scottish Indy vote in September 2014, I always had eyes on news and politics and how big strides on social media so don’t dismiss everything on social media because the mainstream media was a joke both then and in general election and it was so shocking to me how things happened in the news them how many would follow that way. These are big company’s with lots of money involved. And how things also were dealt with in the votes and how it’s all twisted now, and being put a totally different ways!! It’s really bad one u see daily what’s going on. A year past September I started small closed fb group to have links in one place. Then in may I started this blog in the Hope that others see you really have to look at a story and decide if truth or not. And putting links and my own thoughts up has been good but not serious yet as just been looking into all this stuff as I love tech and also putting down my own thoughts take away the constant pain I am in, I have to take my mind of it or the pain would drive you mad!!!

So I don’t yet host my site yet as wanted to see how I got on but hoping that new year I can change it all many ideas not sure if all will work out yet as just learning as I go but this is only the start where ever it takes me but online Profile will continue until I have found something I love doing and maybe even make a living at it!!! Maybe even but whatever I will be around hopefully one of the more sane people that’s on here with no agenda although there is many it’s finding the good right sources like anything

So I hope everyone enjoys there xmas today were ever you are :)✌

I believe in live and let live
Love & help friends and family as much as you can
Be a good friend as much as possible
Freedom of choice the way you life is or you want in the future
Have your own mind on what you want to do

But one thing for sure I am going to keep on this route for the mo see where it takes me because if I can’t get freedom of speaking your thoughts even posting them I do believe we need to look into that for every day another is banned yet no one talking about sensor ship of internet yet it’s happining right now!!!! And it’s been worse the last 2 weeks and can only imagine it getting worse with these new deals being made right now.

For now peeps got to go busy family day ahead see you all tonight maybe for some woo on


Merry Christmas Peeps 💚 &✌ 2 all




LEWIS F1 , ME & 2015 And going forward to 2016

Hamilton 3rd world champion F1🙌👌✌


Some would disagree but I do watch F1 & always loved his driving style… I often have words about this with a friend who think he’s spoilt & his rise to game going to his head but dam what a great driver yes its about the car too but he’s done it 3 times now world champion!!! What a feeling that must be🙌✌…. equaling his hero A Senna

The way he brakes last min knows his limit tyres moving room for take over etc I love that in driving I love the freedom it gives me,👍 having mobility problems so much now & always had problems even when younger!!!

I tried most sports that was available to me to do financially for my family but also what my body could do!!

For instance I tried the high jump at school one of my most embarrassing moments of my school life 😲🙅😒 I remember thinking there is no way this was going to happen but I tried my best and before run arch back and over… (My back didn’t arch much if any) I knew it I had went over the stick and was on the huge mat but when getting up seeing the rest of the class and the PE teacher just looking at me!!! 😑…… omg!! I turned to realize that my high jump had broken the thing in half!!😂 now I can laugh but Coz it makes more sense with mobility problems, but at the time I was & still am over weight (but losing lol) and I guess I blamed that & then the teachers thought the same or just clumsy lol probably!! they knew because after trying so much they were aware I was great at swimming (my dad had me swimming from a young age) I even was at a swimming club once a week for years, winning badges and swimming a mile for charity etc i have even achieved my bronze medallion for rescue swimming I acheived when I was at my work with the main aim of being able to use specialists pools & I bring able to take them with other members of staff without needing life guards, & until the last couple of years I was even swimming few times a week, I was around my early twenty’s, I had a great boss that wanted to better us as a staff team and personal development also but for then better off the service users. In many ways the medallon being just one example but many different things I really liked her way of managing a team looking back it’s the way I would do it now, plus the staff team at that time was very good caliber staff it was really good to work with👌

I loved it I was working and still learning new things as I went. I was doing the thing I loved to help others less fortunate than myself and if something I could do to help myself and them why wouldn’t I. I had already worked in care 9 years.

I loved driving and if I could have done this at a young age I would have but at the time I was growing up there was not many women in motor sports (still none at top level) so never a option available to me
Go carting was like many sports out of the reach of most people that was around me anyways!!! Even learning a musical instrument & music, horse riding, tennis all the things that appealed was out of the question it was so expensive. I have seen Andy Murray talk of this and how he had also gone to Spain at young age to take up tennis, and how unavailable out is to the normal family and it’s not helping the sport so many not able to access it unless they are fortunate to have family money or connections, but also the lack of help for kids to develop the basics to see if it’s what wish to pursue further, it’s not just limited to sport it’s everything really.

However my mum & dad got me lessons for my 17th birthday (I had shots of boyfriend & family cars from age of 14) but on my 17 birthday I had the first lesson and by the following may 12 I passed my test. It wasn’t long before I had my own car & well I have had bumps and bashes😲😒 especially when younger but none really was serious and none my complete fault😕!!!.

Having job I mainly had a car on the road one way or another which helped me stay in work but also to socialize and get out the town even the breakdown I had all have funny story’s!!! Lol


I had some mental times while driving many cars as in holidays, camping or nights away stuff u do with friends, even just going out in friends car before we could drive was great, always loved driving is the one thing I know I can do & gets me places still in pain but not as much as any other way but not just that I can stop get out if in pain rest then back in. It’s independence and HOPE going forward!!

All info I am covering about Lewis was on satruday night’s Johnathan Ross talk show. On ITV 1 PICTURE taken from Lewis twitter below

Lewis says about his dad working 4 jobs to keep his dream alive of racing go carts… It just shows how much people give up for things they see in there kids I never knew I would love driving until I first took the wheel at 14 years old.. It’s how some people know so young there passion in life ¿?

My dad was huge influence in my life but he’s always been behind my driving even when my mum was not so sure!!!

Lewis mentions about the dangers aware around him but doesn’t FEAR, and no matter what he trys if not right the first time getting up & doing it again. I think this is a great attitude to find something you enjoy goes with your body, life, hopes and dreams I did and defo think this way, but I must say I have been missing it for about 14 years since my PTSD reared its ugly head that’s when my life changed and out of FEAR it became a problem a stale mate as you could say, it was awful. I am not saying I am completely over it but omg it’s much better. Still touching wood 🙏 but that’s nearly 9 months without the scary flashbacks from the horrid night!! But panic attacks appear to be better but not completely away and fight it every day but now I fight it, don’t let it define me so I cannot be kept in FEAR once you take back the power yourself you see much clearer. I have even come off two medications this year that has only helped more. Lewis taking about when driving and like him yes aware of the dangers around me & not just driving but everything in daily life, no matter what the issue or idea

Lewis speaks about his father telling him to do your talking on the track…… Spking about about him and rosberg relationship from when Lewis he got signed to Italy at the age of 13 to race & rosberg was the golden child of the time arriving in helicopters etc due to who his dad was F1 champion. Always wondered who Lewis was coming from and however this has carried on.. . Like I said before for his father to see this in him and get him there was such a achievement and the divide couldn’t have been further between the two of them, which is probably what is driving both of them now driving in the same team….. But the team will know this!!!! That’s why they have the seats. But a lot of F1 is so all about money now most drivers have to pay for there seat. I saw this more than ever when Paul Diesta was dropped 1 year over another driver that he was clearly better than, and the shocking money deals within F1 by the way it’s managed!! But then look at most sports and FIFA!!! As much as I love sports it’s so obvious where the money comes from & goes with a big deal with company’s amongst other reasons!!!

Lewis gets asked about hurting himself doing other extream sports but he would be well insured but wouldn’t ever like not being able to drive his car and someone else in it I really understand what he means there😲☺ if it was me!!! He says it’s one thing he does seem to have Balance, well I am lucky if I don’t lose my balance at least once a day if not more!!!! LMAO😂

Lewis was also asked if he could go back all they years what would he tell his younger self & his answer being was listen to your Dad❤👌…… well I have to say that’s one thing I do with My dad & gran are right always one way or another
Just a bit of fun above but ❤ it I was lucky to get all these ticked☺👌❤

I found it interesting how Lewis said this & I love the script music, they also talk about being good at music and writing music and how there family would say…


From the song
The Script If You Could See Me Now

So this got me thinking!!! why do so many people know what exactly to do in life especially when so young either like sports stars and music & songs…. I can’t be the only one that’s 38 and never found something they good at our enjoy in my car this could be down to health, socially or financially🙅.
Although finding a way through this mad world is not strange enough….. Maybe starting this blog was the start of finding out who I am and what I want in life, but all that seemed to be there is actual ways of learning new things like the net hopefully find something the net has really made my world open up globally but not just that a job and purposes to be and take part in life not just watched from the sides due to whatever reason


Maybe I should take the pain & the rage , put it down here & will see where it All takes me ☺

But back to The a script🙌👌🎶 they have another song that kind of ties into this blog because if the famous people in this song didn’t have this level of fame and talent who know what differences they then had an impact on the world. The Script song is called Without Those Songs. I also think it’s brilliant too because who would they be without those songs video below


As i leave 2015 into 2016 it makes me think exactly what I could do physically, how I can find ways around my illness and disabilities & mobile problems because when I look back at my life like the disaster in my P.E. WITH THE HIGH JUMP MANY MANY YEARS AGO!!!!! 😜😡😆

But one thing I am sure of it might not be easy but I will try by best to overcome the disadvantages I face & would give anything a go to see how it suits me and my body.  Although I often ill I still prefer to help others rather than not it must be just in me to help and feel useful one way was always working in care but alas there is no longer a chance for this, or not as my health is at the moment which has no long term fix!!!

So what will come in the next year who knows but if I can find a job I can do and enjoy as well as helping others then this would be Ideal, but because of nature of medical issues I see the problems ahead, it’s finding what suits me and either a company or my own boss!!

I have been looking at new things, trying new things learning from others to see the things I would be doing at my own pace also even stating this blog was just to see if it was for me or not before I jumped in head first….because I have over the years tried and failed things and it’s not a good feeling, but I try to pick myself up again , dust myself down and start again because one thing I am SURE of no~one will do it for YOU that’s for sure!!!!
even getting help with things due to my health issues are bad enough let alone being in this benefit system that doesn’t help in this country that deamonizes you for not working not being able to work. I always worked and to make them feel like on the rubbish heap at young age doesn’t make me fill with pride!!! But I won’t be on that rubbish heap,  I will continue to help my Gran when I can, body working of course but also the friends that I rely on for help also needs help with daily living which I help when I can. It’s just between my gran & friends that need help my gran I always said I would help as she got older but friend that has social phobias OCD & on autistic sepecturm that helps me with physical things that I can’t do! so it works between us but it’s a pity that the DWP don’t see the same way after 3 years of brig treated like rubbish & all the help they say is available has always fallen through…there’s a surprise but another story!!

Which is were I will leave this post but one song that does appear relevant to my life atm and have as a ring tone it’s so relevant!!! 😊 I will leave under here see if anyone else can relate & how it relates to your life because only you can change things in your life no matter what You up against!!!



Note. Hint in songs I really referring to….

Gangster you don’t impress me much ( government departments county’s politics etc)

Don’t tell me something can’t be done or I will do it with thunder ( ☺with my loud voice u can imagine😂!! Lol)

I do it all myself I get no help from anyone ( meaning independence & freedom government media local levels failing)

System is going critical (well I would say this is society soon if we don’t watch what we are doing and what OTHERS are doing)

Between the life we have & or the life we let go ( this so true in life I think we have to make at least 3 our more directions through life)


Well that’s my thoughts for now one step in front of the other will do for me where it takes me & 3 songs I love for now peeps 💚✌