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2015 merry Xmas peeps & looming forward to 2016 (yes looming☺)

Well what a year it’s been, sometimes very annoying , hurtful, frustration with one thing with another!!!! Health not great no help really just passed about!!! DWP & Health & Government. And trying coming off big pharma to move herbal methods:)👌:)

But also surprised one way or another with friends and family who have shown themselves as different but not just that just knowing true difference of who people are? It’s how they are behaving did not think some would be like that, but others just think different ways from yourself.

Going to drop illusive n Tempest podcast 003 here they speaking hear and talking much of what I am trying to say in this post & hope this will bring me more knowledge going into 2016

The new people I never thought would become part of my daily life has continued to have great input even tho miles apart. It makes me smile for for humanity yet, meeting new people along the way…. Including temp and Marty and many more at like of TFR. And other areas with life.

I may not always agree but I have always found common ground with most gen persons out there and not so many problems that can’t be sorted, but you get the trolls as well but even the trolls are robots now they certainly trying to sensor the internet and even hearing this week that’s been band for no real reason and it’s someone different every day, so this is happening right now In front of our faces!!!!


But as I leave a old life behind on so many ways, I look forward to the unknown it’s when you get comfortable with life you stop learning or growing I don’t want that!!!

I have had a fb group just a little over a year but noticed the divide between the way people get news and info some were going to groups and talking about things yet in main stream media wasn’t touching!!! I smelt a rat, and people didn’t want to speak out unless in groups so was never public so just started page up to move anything that’s news worthy and for common interests and freedom of speech not hate speech but just a thought of your own these days is a crime!!! We should be able to search things and progress

The video below is here now in China just think about how this would work going forward we think there is divide between the Rich & powerful and the common person that will never get because of this system…



above seems to be the way media going

But wasn’t just one thing it was many things I would see sometimes 6 -8 months before other mainsteam news was touching it yet 3 times I watched myself say to someone then 6 months would come out right that’s when I tells there is not real news getting out there for whatever reason. I don’t claim to know the news, but also the wording of things in the mainstream & also there is much not that looks live but actually isn’t….

And it’s very clever the way they do it if u have basic TV u get free view its different programs from when people pay for TV like sky virgin or bt creating a divide, and even bigger in alternative media because the big companies already on fb twitter website they always there first!!! And now YouTube, as well as alternative news stations that many don’t believe these because you have been conditioned to react to it like that difference in age just brings divide because maybe someone is not on line etc


I have also recently seen many public files closed or fb accounts stopped for things that shouldn’t be cut off from learning…. It’s up to you to use your own ways or research. I never claim to be a writer I am trying to get better but I will stay as close to truth as I can verify and boy there is many great people doing many things, but always do your own research. As not everything you read on the internet is bad or wrong, it’s the way someone presents it to you has big impact, it’s just another way to divide people


I do however believe everyone should be treated the same until proven different not  anyone not willing to teach and pass on knowledge to better others… but many are being difficultly being stated because or the way the system have set them up, going forward I hope gen people continue to contact me see where it takes me and everyone that joins the journey see where it takes us I still believe we can be the change together

There is so much around power and money when is enough for u to need change. Equal to all not from others people or trial my media!!! I don’t believe in that which is happening more and more u get the headlines but never if they are not found guilty

As I go into the next year I have to say I was never thought until this past couple of weeks about these false flags with different governments it really make you think about things will do a blog on the subject but wasn’t yet as wanted to have all the info available but there is evidence these things are happening and it’s not just one, it’s many at a time. Will leave a check list below so u understand until I do blog nothing at all new in fact goes back hundred’s of years. But now they just using other methods like news and TV for example


Not all I can say has been great but do you know what half they ones I am taking about don’t even sound human it’s more like robots learning behavior or something…. U may think it’s far fetched but the tech is already here and not going anywhere and we know the police jobs are now on the internet. Using tips and tricks to basically trip us up so we can be on no fly lists etc etc already in place and for children to be on them I have strong feelings on that too!!!

But it appears more and more of it happens now than before and can’t think it’s because since the lack of opportunities lately or just noticing things more but media has a real battle on there hands in the coming years, and well I have started a journey that I can’t stop now Coz once you stated learning things it’s hard to stop if you loving it:)✌…
But not also that I feel there a whole new generation out there never known life without phones and internet and have watched it progress through my life. I have seen how much good it can do, but I also know it’s at a price and well never to fully trust anyone in life but also that you can never judge others by that standard and not speak to great people you find online just choose wisely I still am , you learn my mistakes and boy I have made a few in my life at probably not the last, you can never know everything. Doesn’t mean I am a fool I have seen most scams you get to know the once that are real. But you can’t dismiss everything everyone says because there is so much that clicks together about life that you find in the strangest of places just take note until another bit comes along. Build the bigger pic of what is actually going on around us


After the Scottish Indy vote in September 2014, I always had eyes on news and politics and how big strides on social media so don’t dismiss everything on social media because the mainstream media was a joke both then and in general election and it was so shocking to me how things happened in the news them how many would follow that way. These are big company’s with lots of money involved. And how things also were dealt with in the votes and how it’s all twisted now, and being put a totally different ways!! It’s really bad one u see daily what’s going on. A year past September I started small closed fb group to have links in one place. Then in may I started this blog in the Hope that others see you really have to look at a story and decide if truth or not. And putting links and my own thoughts up has been good but not serious yet as just been looking into all this stuff as I love tech and also putting down my own thoughts take away the constant pain I am in, I have to take my mind of it or the pain would drive you mad!!!

So I don’t yet host my site yet as wanted to see how I got on but hoping that new year I can change it all many ideas not sure if all will work out yet as just learning as I go but this is only the start where ever it takes me but online Profile will continue until I have found something I love doing and maybe even make a living at it!!! Maybe even but whatever I will be around hopefully one of the more sane people that’s on here with no agenda although there is many it’s finding the good right sources like anything

So I hope everyone enjoys there xmas today were ever you are :)✌

I believe in live and let live
Love & help friends and family as much as you can
Be a good friend as much as possible
Freedom of choice the way you life is or you want in the future
Have your own mind on what you want to do

But one thing for sure I am going to keep on this route for the mo see where it takes me because if I can’t get freedom of speaking your thoughts even posting them I do believe we need to look into that for every day another is banned yet no one talking about sensor ship of internet yet it’s happining right now!!!! And it’s been worse the last 2 weeks and can only imagine it getting worse with these new deals being made right now.

For now peeps got to go busy family day ahead see you all tonight maybe for some woo on


Merry Christmas Peeps 💚 &✌ 2 all


